Home Forums The Japanese Language Help Making Vocab Lists

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    Hi! I’m still on season 1, and just got to the part where I need to start creating my own vocabulary lists. I’m really struggling with figuring out which is the ‘correct’ japanese term for my words. I’m currently using the tips in the lesson (using Jisho, comparing google result numbers and images…) but it’s quite tedious, seems to be taking a long time just finding the all the 20 words, and some of them I’m still not certain on. Are there any tips for how to make this easier? Here are the words I’m still having trouble with (subject is cooking):

    to heat
    to mix
    to cut
    to add



    Not completely sure I can tell you how to make it easier – basically, you’ll just get a feel for it eventually. One possible option may be to look at actual Japanese recipes. http://cookpad.com/ is a good site, but sadly there’s no easy way to find the English equivalent – the English version of the website used to link directly back to the original Japanese recipes, but when they threw open their doors to any international slob who wanted to upload a recipe (in the process burying all the Japanese recipes I liked the site for under endless generic American recipes) they also removed the link to the untranslated version.

    As it so happens, though, I just bought a dual-language Japanese/English cookbook a few weeks ago. =)

    So, “rice” has different words depending on what state it’s in. Rice plant = 稲 (いね), raw rice = 米 (こめ), cooked rice = ごはん, cooked rice served with Western dishes = ライス (らいす).

    To heat = 熱する (ねっする)

    To mix = 混ぜる (まぜる)

    To cut = 切る (きる)

    Sauce = ソース (そーす) – side note, soy sauce = しょうゆ

    Potato = じゃがいも – this one’s a tiny bit complex, because they’ve got a lot of potato varieties over there (if it ends with いも, it’s a type of potato), but じゃがいも is what we think of when we hear the word “potato”. It’s also written as ポテト (ぽてと), though I think that’s largely only in the context of potato chips or fried potatoes.

    Bread = パン (ぱん) – comes from Portuguese

    To add (to the pot) = 入れる (いれる), to add (to other ingredients) = 加える (くわえる)

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