This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  KisukeOboro 12 years, 11 months ago.

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    Alright, so I’m in the fourth season and as you can guess, I’ve got quite a bit of Anki decks to go through. I have more too ever since Koichi decided to change the format around, which made me have to delete most of my decks.
    Anyway, so I’ve been trying to concentrate all of my studying time to get all of these flashcards out of the way first before I get back to the lessons (so I know that I’m properly caught up). Problem is is that I know that there is going to be more flashcards that are going to be introduced, which will take even longer for me to get through them. I know that Koichi said to study them until you know them before you go to the next lesson, but I’d like to hear what other people do.
    What do you guys do? Do you do one lesson each day? Or one week? Or do you guys do a lesson when you know that you’ve got the anki cards down pat? Would you suggest to spread out the lessons more and concentrate more on the Anki decks first before the lessons, or to concentrate on the lessons and just do the Anki decks for the day only?
    I’m terrible at pacing myself and I feel like as though I set myself up for getting burned out easily, which is why I’m asking.



    The first thing I would suggest is combining all your decks into one (or just a few like kanji, radicals, vocab and sentences for example) and not have 50 different decks. More than just being less of a hassle to deal with, this is also better for your learning. By having things separated, you run the risk of forming useless relationships that artificially boost your success rate for cards; you start to think “I’m in deck A so I know, to some degree, what cards to expect.” Secondly, find time to study throughout the day. I know Koichi suggests not studying if you have internet of tv or anything else going on and to isolate yourself in your happy study zone. While I agree for active study, for reviews, it’s not needed. If you are in the middle of something else and can find the time to take 2 or three minutes to buzz through some reviews, you’ll find you have no problem keeping up with hundreds of reviews a day. Thirdly, as long as you are reviewing, you shouldn’t be moving backward, meaning that if you take a day or two off from adding new cards and keep up with your reviews, it’s no big deal. In terms of lessons/day…I really have no idea, that’s up to you, but I don’t think it’s terribly important. One of the benefits of self-study as opposed to classes is that you can go at your own pace. If you feel like a machine one day and power through 10 lessons and add 200 flashcards to find yourself swamped later, take it easy for a few days and jump back in. There’s nothing wrong with binging and purging as long as you keep up with your reviews.



    Well, now that’s an interesting idea to combine everything into one deck. Never thought of that. Great idea! Thanks!
    The reason why I ask about how many lessons vs. Anki studying is that I was just wondering what worked for other people, that’s all.






    I would say that just rely on Anki to deal with your vocab, and always be honest to it: if you take a while before recalling a word, press ‘hard’, and if you can’t remember it at all, press ‘soon.’
    The faster you work through Textfugu, the more Anki cards you will have to review. I usually study a Textfugu lesson once every 3 or 4 days, just to make sure that I’m stable with my Anki cards.



    No need to worry about me actually using Anki. Don’t worry, I’ve seen the other posts about using Anki correctly and effectively. It is still good, basic info for Anki though.
    Actually, I try to review every day on Anki (though some days I actually forget to do it).

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