Home Forums The Japanese Language Help with 七人 じゃありません

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Wasif Asif 11 years ago.

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    I came across this sentence in one of the practice lessons and it is really unclear in the audio what is being said, would this be pronounced nanari jarimasen ?



    It’s しちにん.

    Important lesson that Koichi never seems to mention: the pronunciations of 一人 and 二人 are the weird freaky exceptions – after that, the counter 人 is always read as にん.

    一人 = ひとり
    二人 = ふたり
    三人 = さんにん
    四人 = よにん
    五人 = ごにん
    et cetera

    Also, the readings for 七 tend to be fairly interchangeable.


    Thankyou so much :)


    Wasif Asif

    Ah, this question was on my mind as well. Thank you!

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