Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Help with radicals???

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    I hate radicals. I learn kanji just fine and actually enjoy the kanji but I cannot find the motivation or an effective way to learn the radicals and as a result they always seem like such such a drag… Anyway, my question is: how do you learn radicals and do you have a ‘special method’?


    Learn by doing RTK, and choosing my own names, and stories for each radical(primitive). If they don’t stick then just make your own story ^^ – or rename the entire radical though that will require you to do some more work when it comes to the kanji and their stories.



    My primary motivator with radicals comes from something Koichi-san writes somewhere about them, that the radicals provide a way to more readily decompose and visualize a kanji: 私 is a two-branched-tree next to a my-stuff, as one small example. This seems to help in remembering kanji i’ve seen that day (what was that made of?), looking up by radical, and writing.



    I spent a month non-stop studying from Koichi’s anki deck and since then, all forms of chinese characters jump out at me like words on a page.

    Good news is, a lot of the radicals are actually identical to a Kanji, in fact if you know a lot of Kanji, you probably already know half of these, so it’s not going down a pointless detour by learning them. Keep that in mind.

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