Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hey everybody!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Sanndala 13 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hello! New person for the site. But really, I’m not JUST another new person. I’m determined, more than anything else, to learn this language. Perhaps that’s why we’re all here, so I’m not all that new, but I’m new to the fact that I’ll need a lot of help to get me all the way through this. Can anyone spare me a few tips, help with the lessons, experience from others who’ve been on here longer than I have? If possible, I’d like to join a study group too. Possibly make some friends that are on the same boat as I am. So thanks everyone that responds. I can’t wait to start this! :D



    Hi Rick! Good to hear that you’re so determined!

    As for tips, I would say you should post as much as you can on the forum, there’s always lots of tips and help to be had here.

    Good luck learning Japanese!



    Hi Rick! Welcome to the forums! It’s hard to offer advice without knowing what you’d like help with. Is there a specific issue? If not, just post whenever you have a problem or need advice and someone will respond.

    Good luck with all of your studying!



    Hi Rick!
    Welcome :)

    Yea, what they said. Maybe run into a problem first before you start asking for help straight off the bat ? ;)
    My method may not be yours.
    Basicly I learn something and practice all day, then totally leave it for a few days and see what I can remember when I come back. Usually 80% is still in my head, the other 20% is then far easier to learn. (or should I be saying 70/30 ? Hmmm… ;))

    Good luck!

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