Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hey everybody :)

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    If you’re reading this… nice to meet you!

    This is the first time I’ve probably ever actually introduced myself in any forum as I’m more of a lurker than anything (I suppose I’m kinda shy :/)
    Anyway, My name is Daniel and I’m a 21 year old that doesn’t really know what to do with his life… yeah, you know that feeling of after high school malaise that sets in if you don’t have a career path to strive for… that’s where I am right now. I enjoy video games, classic and horror literature, Kurt Vonnegut novels, Industrial music, The Residents, Psychological thriller movies, Horror movies of the 70s and 80s (before CGI and before Hollywood decided to remake everything, ugh…), The Twilight Zone, Hokuto no Ken! (YEAH!!!), and the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure manga. Of course I could go on, but I’ll save you time. :)

    So, I’ve decided to learn Japanese to be able to:

    1. Be able to play Japanese video games in their native language with complete comprehension.
    I know. I know. This is stupid. I’ve seen others state this as a reason on other forums and get shot down. Hear me out though. I believe the meeting of literature, film, music, and interactivity is just as much of an art form to be celebrated and appreciated as much as the art forms that make it up. There seems to be a stigma against video games here in the U.S. as in they are seen as a waste of time and are for babies… but they’re wrong :)

    2. Be able to read Japanese books at the same speed I read books in English
    This one is obviously a long term goal, but one I would still like to meet.

    3. Um… you know what? Forget this number scheme here.
    Basically, I just want to be able to consume Japanese media of all types. I love the look of the language. It sounds great. The culture is interesting.
    I want to expand my mind and be able to think in a different way, to have a second inside voice in another language :) I keep hearing people claim how this is the hardest language to learn for a native English speaker… so I will prove to myself that I can learn it in spite of all that negative spin :D And perhaps my efforts of learning Japanese might also lead to a understanding of what I want to do with my life or at the very least, help me get there.

    Thanks for reading.
    See you around :)




    Hey Daniel. Welcome to TF :) . I’m sure you will figure out what you want to do with your life. It’s good that you’ve decided to learn Japanese. Maybe one day you can use your Japanese skills to get a job in Japan or something. Even if you don’t get a job involving using Japanese, at least you can use it for your hobbies.

    I don’t believe Japanese is the hardest language for a native English speaker to learn. Learning a language is always a challenge but it can be easier if you’re motivated and use the right resources. The ones that say it’s hard are usually the ones that give up soon after starting or are too lazy to attempt to learn. Sure, it won’t be a walk in the park, but you’ve chosen the best self study resource for learning Japanese. Good luck.



    Welcome to Textfugu!



    From what I’v read on some game sites, there are definite nuances that get lost in game translation. I think it’s cool that playing games is one of your reasons. Hobbies are so important for keeping our sanity.



    Hey Daniel, welcome to TextFugu! Because you’re a fan of The Residents, I’m just going to imagine you as having a giant eyeball for a head and always wearing a tuxedo.

    Oh, and good luck with your studies!

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