Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hey guys, from down-under.

This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  erwin gomez 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    I figured I’d follow TextFugu’s recommendation to post a little about myself and my reasons for studying Japanese.

    So my name is Ken, I’m 21 years of age and I’ve made a number of failed attempts (this not being one of them) to learn Japanese over the years. My main problem was that I simply did not have the self-discipline to keep at it, even within guided classes.

    These days though, I’m a lot more motivated in almost all fields of my life (perhaps only slightly more so with Uni’) and so this attempt (lasting 6 months, or counting RTK time, 1 year) has lasted much longer, and progressed far more rapidly.

    Here are some of the reasons I want to learn Japanese, if not all the reasons, certainly the main ones, as they come to mind first, though I list them in no particular order. I want to:

    Watch Anime.
    Read Manga.
    Play Videogames.
    Live and work in Japan; first as an English teacher, and then later as a software engineer.
    Read Japanese Literature.
    Translate Austro-Libertarian works and other Western Philosophy in to Japanese.
    Watch Japanese Movies.
    Be able to broaden my cultural and national understanding.

    If you guys have any tips on how I can prioritise my time to meet these goals, or any feedback in general, or just wanna say “hi”, I’d love for some replies. =]




    I thought I might also mention the more tangible “short-term” goal I’ve set myself.

    In September of this year, I am going to be playing Pokemon Black or White, purely in Japanese, and I must finish it within the year. I haven’t yet decided what my punishment is going to be, but I want it to be more than something like “give this unrelated friend lots of money” or something.

    If you guys have suggestions on what to do if I fail, or even what to reward myself with should I succeed, I’d love to hear it.



    If you fail; eat the game cartridge, and as much of the console as you can stomach.

    You can take it apart first, but be sure to consume all the pieces. Film it and put it on Youtube for us to laugh at. (and give me lots of money while your at it).





    Motivation is a funny thing, up until recently I’ve always had problems with it…

    Though it’s nice to see other Australians, what part do you call home?



    Sydney, here.

    By the way, “Ninkendo”?



    Hey guys, I’m from just outside Melbourne. And yeah, it’s NinKenDo =]

    If you fail; eat the game cartridge, and as much of the console as you can stomach.

    Oh lordy, I can’t fault you on the inventiveness that’s for sure. But perhaps something that wouldn’t endanger my physical health too much =P



    I’m from “just outside Melbourne” too. Although not far enough outside to not commute….



    I’m from “just outside Melbourne” too. Although not far enough outside to not commute….

    Me either. I can catch the bus to Sunbury and then hop on a train. Feels good man.



    Welcome and good luck with your studies!


    erwin gomez

    Nice to meet you Ken,


    lots of interesting goals you mentioned . “Read Japanese Literature” in the original format is my main goal for taking this courses ..oh and sing along The pillows (and many others) while understanding all of their lyrics perfectly.

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