This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  winterpromise31 13 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #12518

    Aaron Cooks

    I just wanted to intro myself Im pretty excited to learn Japanese,i hope im able to help and if i need it i”ll ask you guys also so… XD Well time to learn some more. TTYL



    Welcome to Textfugu!!!
    I’m (relatively) new as well! So do you mind telling us why you’re here and some stuff about you? You don’t have to, but it’d be good if you did.

    Anyways good luck learning Japanese and if you need help we’re all here!



    Welcome to TextFugu, Aaron.

    What are your reasons for learning Japanese?

    Good luck!


    Marvin Gaye

    Welcome Aaron!Hope you enjoy your learning session.I totally dont mind helping if you need..I mean,thats if I’m able lol!


    Hi Aaron,

    Welcome to Textfugu! Yeah, I should be studying too but thought I’d come and say ‘hi’ first. I second what the other guys said… what’s your motivation for learning Japanese? Do share :) Good luck with your studies!
    Emma ^_^


    Aaron Cooks

    Goodmorning everyone, well why am i here seems to be a pretty good question so let me start OK I’m not going to lie i started out when i was young with the old cartoons like saliormoon and dragon ball z and i eventually fell in love with most anime/manga and the way japan and japanese people were portrayed in them, i eventually found out its not all glitter and But i still loved it i love the history and art,the respect the people have for..everything and of course the language.One day i want to go to japan and maybe even live there for a bit but right now im focusing on getting my knowledge up of it, its language and people. Oh and thanks guys for the replies :)



    Hey Aaron – welcome and good luck with your studies!!


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