Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Heya from Missouri U.S.

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Britt 10 years ago.

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    Well this is kind of weird considering that I have never really done much posting in the forum realm before, but hey, new things are always worth a shot, right?

    Well my name is Britt. Or rather that’s just what I prefer to be called.
    I’m a normal college student just working on getting their transfer degree and I don’t really know exactly what I want to do in life. Yada Yada.

    What I do know though is that I think it would be pretty sweet to learn Japanese. It’s a place that I honestly want to study abroad in but I know that I really need to know the language if I want to survive! (Also visiting lots of shrines would be pretty neat) Hooray for that motivation! \ (o w o) / Though the thought of studying abroad in general makes my stomach twist in knots because I feel like I won’t make it. If anyone has any studying abroad tips I would love to hear them!

    I pretty new here as you could have probably guessed and might be a bit awkward when it comes to trying and conversing with people but I’ll overcome that awkwardness (hopefully very soon!)

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