Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Heya from TN…

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  MandaMac 11 years, 6 months ago.

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    HI! *waves* K, so obviously since I’m posting here I’m here to learn Japanese. But I bet you wanna know why…long story short, at my advanced age of 36 I’m finally going back to school for a degree in East Asian Studies. Been planning to do that for a few years, but there was no school offering that type of program in the area we lived(east NC) so I had to wait. However a longtime friend of mine and my hubby’s who is Japanese figured I needed a language head start and basically bet me I couldn’t learn hiragana. Stupid thing to do…..
    Anywho, I figured that if I could master that in three weeks, I sure wasn’t gonna quit there, so off I go.
    Ok, someone stop me, because I talk too much.
    Nah, really.
    Basics: I’m old. I’m married. I don’t have kids. I am a geek. I love music of any sort, but I was raised a rock chick(also, in high school…gawd, 18 years ago…a friend of mine who was an exchange student introduced me to a little band called X-Japan, and it was all over for me). I am also a history NERD. Hence the East Asian Studies….NERD, I say. I’m also a foodie, a cook, a knitter, a crafter, whatever….LOL

    I could continue, but I sense rolling eyes, so I’ll stop.

    Thanks for having me, and I look forward to the learning!





    Unfortunately, hiragana is the easy part. =P



    Yah, easy peasy. But, I never figured learning language would be easy. Besides, we value more the things we work the hardest for, right? :D

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