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This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Jakisa 12 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi everybody!

    My name is Jakisa, pronounced as “Ya-ki-sha” and I am studying Japanese. I started at October at my university and I am trying to find some sources that will help me to pass through my obstacles. I’ve read article about 5 biggest mistakes people do when learning Japanese, it seemed like something that makes sense so I gave TextFugu a try.



    Hello there Jakisa, and welcome to Textfugu! What sort of obstacles were you referring to?

    Anyway, I hope you’ll be able to learn more using Textfugu. =)



    Welcome to Textfugu! You can ask me, or anyone else on the forum if you have any questions :)



    Hi Jakisa, welcome to TextFugu! What’s got you interested in learning Japanese?

    Good luck with your studies!



    @Yippy: Many kinds of obstacles. In particular, vocabulary and Kanji.
    @Tsetycoon13: Thank you for your help offer.
    @Hashi: Phew, this is a long story…
    Until few years ago, I tried to avoid learning things that are not simple for me. I graduate at mathematics and computer science, and I am working as software developer for seven years. I always was more naturally gifted to technical and natural science so it didn’t gave me enough challenges but everybody (me and others) had expectations from me to perform on the very top level. I stayed away from sports and foreign languages as I am too clumsy, and totally unable to learn foreign language, with normal effort from my side. Avoiding of physical activities had damaging results on my health, and different circumstances in my life, together with short-tempered character, led me to realize I should work on self-control. To solve two different problems at once, two years ago I started to practice traditional Aikido and, very fast, it gave me very good results, both on self-control and on physical feeling. That made me interested into Japanese culture and Japanese point of view regarding the way how they cope with problems. Unfortunately, only eight months after I started with Aikido, some very stressful and uncomfortable events took place in my life that gave me idea to move from my country and, not surprisingly, Japan was one of ideas that came to my mind. Then I decided to learn Japanese on my university. The study will last for three years, which is enough time for me to decide if I want to move or not, and, as it is (hard) foreign language, it will give me another challenge to learn something that I am not naturally gifted at.
    So no, the reason is not manga and anime, which i don’t read/watch at all, although I tried to. :)



    Interesting, I’m glad to hear that aikido has helped you so much in your life. I’ve thought about trying aikido before, how do you like it?



    Welcome to Textfugu!

    Aikido sounds very interesting actually, I might give it a try!



    I like Aikido very much, as it became essential part of my life. Didn’t miss a single training from beginning, except for strong reasons like flu or business trip. If you want to try it, just beware that there are variety of different “styles” that are all called “Aikido”. They range from very traditional to no traditional at all, and from very martial to more meditative styles. I don’t want to give judgement about which style is better, as it is always matter of personal preference, but it is important to know that while some style can be very attractive to some person, the other one can be totally boring for the same person, so if you want to try it, and have choice among different kinds, I can tell you about differences, without exposing my personal opinion. Also, as I am still at the very beginning, it is maybe better idea to watch some trainings in different dojos than to trust me. :)

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