This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #47950

    Robert Baker

    I have been studying Japanese for about a year but I have not spent much time on it. I hope that I can establish good habits for studying. I have about all the books I need and audio CDs and tapes, I just have no good habits for increasing my vocabulary. I don’t know if setting “meeting JLPT proficiency test levels” is an appropriate goal. I think I could spend a few hours per week. I hope to learn about 2-4 sentences per week and all the associated grammar and kanji that goes with it. Good luck to all of you in your learning! – Rob



    Welcome! Nothing wrong with setting the JLPT as your goal, but it’s good to also have something in mind after that. No point in a shiny certificate saying you’re proficient in Japanese only to do nothing with it (though me saying that is a little bit pots-and-kettles =P ).

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