Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hi everyone:)

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    Hi, I’ve been teaching myself Japanese for just under a month using the Genki books and then used the first free lesson on textfugu and really enjoyed it. I learnt the Hiragana super fast! I’m moving to Osaka in the next month or so to start my life as an English teacher. I hope to get to know some of you better online whilst I’m learning.




    Howdy! Congrats on moving to Osaka! Are you with a specific teaching program?

    Keep us posted!


    Hi Cassandra, thanks for the welcome :) I have an interview in a week with a specific teaching company (Not JET), and if I’m succesful I’ll go through them. Otherwise I’ll go out without a job and apply once I’m out there. So excited either way though!



    Which teaching company do you have an interview with?

    Welcome to TextFugu and good luck learning Japanese! I’m jealous of you moving to Osaka.



    Hi Kaona, my interview is with ECC, which is one of the bigger companies. Really excited about moving to Osaka though!

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