Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hi from Belfast UK

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Simon Miller 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    Simon Miller


    I’m Simon, and just thought I’d pop in to say hello. I signed up to Textfugu today to take advantage of the 50% off lifetime membership offer too.

    I’ve been learning Japanese at Saturday morning college classes for the last two years or so, but my studying has definitely been a bit patchy. So in an attempt to go back to basics and really concentrate, I’m starting at the beginning of Textfugu and hoping to do a bit of re-inforcing and catching up!

    I was lucky enough to spend a week in Tokyo last month, and that’s really just made me want to learn more Japanese, and to become fluent one day. So my goal is really to become fluent in Japanese so I can visit the country for extended holidays and really make the most of the culture (and food!)




    Hi Simon! Very jealous that you got to go to Tokyo so recently. What got you interested in Japan in the first place?


    Simon Miller

    Hey Hashi!

    Hard to say to be honest, I think it’s just because it’s so different from where I live in the UK and it’s always seemed kind of cool!

    Tokyo was great – the weather was really mild for December (compared to the UK anyway) so I was walking around in t-shirts all day!


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