Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hi from Denmark!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Cimmik 10 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hello from Denmark!
    I’m 16 years old and my name is Oliver Kragh.
    I just wanted to stop by and say hello, and let me start by saying that I’m abseloutly stoked to begin learning Japanese! I want to learn the language because I one day hope to move to Japan, because i really think that the Danish education system sucks! And I of cause love to watch anime, my favorites are Naruto and SAO, not the second season though…



    Hey, welcome to Textfugu and congratulations on embarking on your journey to learn Japanese! I hear that students in Denmark get paid to attend school so I find it interesting that you don’t feel satisfied with your education system.



    Welcome to Text Fugu !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you enjoy your stay



    ようこそ from another Dane.
    Is it the elementary school you think sucks?
    I wish you good luck.

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