Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hi from France

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    Hi,I’m Jeff from France, 27yo.

    I’ve enjoyed japanese entertainment for some years now (music, tv shows, dramas) and am tired to wait for subtitles (when there are subtitles). I learned english on my own to watch the latest episodes of my favorite TV shows and I want to do the same for japanese.

    At first I was like : “I just want to understand the shows so I don’t need Hiragana, Katakana, Kanjis and all this shit!” But I WAS WRONG!!” I remembered how much time It took for me to watch an american show without subs and reading comics and books in english helped me alot.

    So here I am launching myself into kanjis (I know Hiragana and Katakana well as of now) and working on Wanikani already.

    Well, that’s all for me, happy to be on the forum! Please treat me nicely!



    Hi Jeff from France. :) When I started learning Japanese, I didn’t want to learn to read it either. I was terrified of kanji and didn’t want to be bothered with kana. But now I’m so glad I started learning how to read/write Japanese! It’s definitely beneficial.

    Good luck with your studies!



    Your English is pretty good for someone who is self-taught.

    By the way, I read recently that France is THE most visited country in the entire world.  There are more tourist visits to France than anywhere else.  Why is that?



    Well we certainly have a LOT of tourists from Asia in Paris. For reasons that escape me, Paris has an excellent reputation in Asia as a city of culture,fashion and romance. I’ve worked in Paris for 2years now and I just don’t see it, lol.

    But there are many monuments, “Le Louvre” and the shopping is supposed to be awesome…



    Perhaps the Eiffel tower is used to broadcast mind controling electromagnetic waves… everyone in range forgets what they were doing an heads to Paris.


    I DO see a lot of mindless zombies in the subway…

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