Welcome to TextFugu!
It sounds like you would be a good candidate for WaniKani. It’s a separate system developed by Koichi that solely focuses on Kanji. It works like a game with 50 levels. Most of the Kanji taught in TextFugu are covered in the first 10 levels, so there’s a heap more and it’s even better than using Anki.
You’ll find a link to it with a discount on the dashboard:
You have to sign up for the site and they will send you an invite to join. The first 2 levels are free.
Also check out this guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:
You can also use the following thread to track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):
And here is a thread with a list of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful: