Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hi from NZ – yep, another one!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kennedy Speirs 8 years ago.

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    Hi! I’m a Kiwi (no not the bird, – nor the fruit for you Americans..), and travel for a living. For a time I was doing regular one (occasionally two) night stays in Narita and Osaka. I went back last week for a holiday (Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka) and was reminded how great this place is! – my last work trip was 3-4 years ago. I made a concerted effort to learn hiragana and katakana before the trip as much for the challenge of it as for the practical application to be honest. I did cram some travellers Japanese study in also and I think managed to use all dozen or so phrases at some point or other! I’d like now to crack into a more solid effort (I know very little Kanji – and that really is everywhere) and plan a return next year. Have started on WaniKani also, and look forward to seeing the next incarnation of this site also. Perhaps eventually I’ll be able to figure out what’s with this manga stuff that everyone’s reading on the metro… :)

    - Kennedy




    So envious you were there just last week. My last visit was about six and a half years ago – though I’m just starting the planning stages for a trip with my university club which is tentatively intended to be early next year. I’m hoping for February.

    So, where’d you go in particular? Take any photos? =)


    Thanks Joel! Mainly city stuff, travelling with two others who hadn’t been to Japan before; so ticking a few boxes. Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka briefly. Shinkansen, etc.

    You’ll be looking forward to February. Next I go in winter, I think I’ll be taking my skis.

    Photos? – many..

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