Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hi from… Tokyo!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Ormuth 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    I’m from Barcelona, Spain. I’m currently living in Japan and, well, I thought it may be a good idea to learn some Japanese language…

    The good thing is that I really don’t have the option of “not learning” Japanese, so I guess will help me a bit for my motivation. :)




    Welcome! What are you doing in Japan? Where in Tokyo? You been out to see the sights yet? =)



    Hi Ormuth! I second Joel’s questions. :)  Good luck with your studies!







    I came to Japan because my (now) wife is from Tokyo. We lived the last two years in London and then we decided to come to Japan.

    Now my goal is to learn Japanese because it is not that easy to find a job in Japan if you are not fluent in nihon-go.

    Yes, I’ve been several times in Japan, so I saw quite a lot of interesting places!

    By the way, in my country (and most other Mediterranean countries) food is a really important part of our culture. But when I came here I was absolutely amazed when I discovered how food is the center of the culture in Japan!  Lucky me, I love eating oishi things! :)



    Mmmmm… How lucky that you get to enjoy all of the food. :) What is your career focus? Learning for a job is a good incentive to learn. Good luck with that!



    Yeah! Food is something I really enjoy here. Even just a simple and cheap ramen or a tsukemen or takoyaki  can be really tasty. Fish in general is really good too. And it’s interesting to discover how, on the contrary of what most of foreigners think, Japanese people in not so crazy about sushi!

    I work in IT. Mainly Linux Systems Engineering. That’s good because there’s quite a lot of IT jobs in Tokyo but, at the same time, for some reason, it seems that most of the gaijin who come to Japan are people with an IT related background! That makes a big competition for the newcomers who still don’t speak the language.

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