
Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hi, hi, hi, Mr. Deltoid!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Adam Boeck 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi all.

    I’m Jonathan (most people call me Juk, yeah it’s something different!) I live in England, in East Anglia which isn’t really all that exciting but good people make for good times. I’ve been using TextFugu (and WaniKani) for a while, like a lot of months, can’t remember exactly, I really should’ve popped up on here long ago but, well, I didn’t!

    I’ve been really interested in Japan and their culture for as long as I can remember, learning Japanese has always been something I wanted to do, only recently did I actually start to put the effort in, it took me surprisingly long to get to that point but I’ve been at it for a while and studying Japanese gives me so much enjoyment! One reason I’ve always wanted to learn was to translate old video games, I’m definitely a geek when it comes to those sort of things but that’s cool, I love it! I’m a big fan of Ryu Murakami too, I want to eventually read his books in their original language. Speaking of books and video games, while I’m at it I want to read Daigo Umehara’s book too, I can’t see that one getting translated to English anytime soon. I love Japanese films, films by Takashi Miike are some of my all time favourites, Tadanobu Asano is brilliant and I need to see more films with him in as I’ve just about ran out of English subtitled films. I want to learn Japanese well enough to blag Takashi Miike to put me in one of his films! Ha, now if that’s not a good enough reason for me to keep learning Japanese I don’t know what is! Wishful thinking is good, I sure like to dream big. Also I want to travel all over Japan, learning the language certainly wouldn’t hurt as far as that goes, would like to actually be able to have conversations in Japanese, I’ve still got a way to go though, that just keeps me motivated like all of the above.

    I can’t believe it’s taken me so long to say hi on here, but hi everyone, I hope you’re all having as much fun with studying Japanese as I am.


    Adam Boeck

    Hi Jonathan!

    That list sounds like a lot of reasons to work hard at learning Japanese. Can’t say I wouldn’t love to be able to watch Seven Samurai without subtitles, not to mention a load of anime which I’m sure lost more than a little in the translation.

    Well good luck with your learning! :D

    -Adam Boeck

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