I’m Connor, I reside in England and am currently studying for my A-Levels.
My main motive for attempting to learn Japanese is that GCSE German failed so utterly for me! This was mainly down to a lack of interest in German and language learning as a whole (Why should I? I don’t plan to go to Germany for any period of time .etc were common excuses for procrastination.). Somehow, leaving year 11 with a D grade and very little understanding of the German language encouraged me to take up Japanese. Partially to prove to myself that I can indeed learn another language, or at least, see how far I can get with a language that I am interested in.
Of course, it’s not just a technical exercise for me to prove a point like the above paragraph would have you think. I do find something about Japanese culture interesting and want to visit Japan at some point in the future, if only for a brief period, and possibly teach there if everything goes to plan.
Oh and being able to play Japan only releases would be cool too.
So yeah, Hello!