Home Forums TextFugu hirigana rules over implied with katakana?

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    Currently going through season 3 and I recently had to back track to where it introduces katakana to you. It seems that the small tsu rule in hiragana is also in katakana however I don’t see it stated in the lesson. Not that a person couldn’t figure out this by looking at for example トラック. However since this site says it is for a person with zero Japanese experience I think it would be nice to have it added as a small note in the lesson that the small tsu ( ッ ) in katakana follows the same rule as the hiragana small tsu.



    I dunno. I mean, it could be helpful, but Koichi introduces katakana so late in the lessons that you could probably infer that all of the same rules as hiragana apply to katakana too (aside from long vowels, anyway). Katakana’s also got some crazy combinations that only apply to katakana…


    I agree with Joel.

    Also, it’s “hiragana”. Don’t worry, I’ve made that mistake many times :P

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