Home Forums TextFugu How do you search for threads?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  jkl 13 years, 8 months ago.

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    I know the thread I’m looking for exists, but I can’t find it and I would hate to repeat the same question.

    but… here I go anyway.

    On a PC with IME enabled how do you switch from hiragana to katakana and for the love of god is there a way to disable alpha-numerics as the default? I’m not even a mac person, but it is 1000x more straight forward on a mac…



    Use shift+caps lock for alphanumeric to Japanese. Use ctrl+capslock for hiragana to katakana and so on. Also, if you normally type in a different Asian language, switching to Japanese (via alt+shift or otherwise) makes it automatically go to hiragana. As far as I know, that is the only way to do it.



    The alpha numeric thing drives me nuts as well.

    Also sadly, I don’t think the current version of BBpress has search :<



    It looks like Google indexes the new forum.


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