Home Forums Off Topic How do you type in japanese?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Laurel 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hey guys, I’ve been going over the forums and such, and everyone seems to be able to type in Japanese.  How is this done?  I’m pretty sure most of you guys have English keyboards like me, so what do you do?  ( I run windows 7 if that’s important) I hope this isn’t a stupid question…




    Not a stupid question at all.  Just install Microsoft IME.  It’s FREE.  There are lots of videos on youtube that will show you how.



    There is also the Google IME which is pretty much the same but in long run it’s probably better.

    Google IME Download – https://tools.google.com/dlpage/japaneseinput/eula.html?platform=win&hl=en

    To enable either just go to Control Panel > Clock, Language, Region, > Region Language > Keyboards and other input languages > Change Keyboards > Add > Japanese > Select either Google Japanese Input or Microsoft IME

    And to use Microsoft press the little EN on your taskbar, switch it to JP.
    And to use Google right click inside a text field and click Open IME.

    Here is a video tutorial just in case. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5zpoYHlNT4


    How about searching on google before asking?



    Nice tactful reply, Mark :P I mean yeah, it would be easier to just look it up yourself, but sometimes people prefer to actually ask *people* directly.



    Sometimes you just get bored of ploughing through the usual Google junk, you know?



    ありがと I can type in Japanese now!
    I was having trouble finding the answer on google, so I thought I should ask you guys. Thanks again!

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