Home Forums TextFugu How Far Will TextFugu Take Me (In Its Current State)?

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    Okay, so my (awesome) dad bought me TextFugu yesterday. I’ve been wanting it for a long time. I know TextFugu is currently still getting updates (AND ALWAYS WILL, DO YOU HEAR ME KOICHI?), but I was wondering about now. How far will TextFugu take me? I hate to use the JLPT as a rating of ability, as I understand it’s not a good estimate of actual ability. But, what level? N2, N3, what? Thanks, guys and girls of the TextFugu forum.



    N5 or none.



    Ouch. Oh well, it’s still pretty good, from what I hear. And I like it so far. I’m sure Koichi will rectify this. But the thing that scares me is, if it takes you to around N5… I remember Koichi saying he’s already in intermediate. But oh well.


    What is on TF probably isn’t enough to pass N5 to be honest, but you could make an attempt and try to prove me wrong.



    Intermediate is a relative term.



    I’m a relative term



    I think we’re all well aware of that Missing. :P



    Not awfully far. After finishing TextFugu you’d be much better off finding other, more advanced resources for learning Japanese, whether online or in real life. I have a Japanese tutor who is teaching me Foundation level Japanese, for example.



    Textfugu seems more about teaching you how to learn Japanese on your own rather than spoon feeding you the entire language. It feels like Koichi is holding the bicycle and eventually you have to decide how good you want to be in this sport. The thing I will say is it is difficult and doesn’t seem to get easier. However, following a set daily routine of learning does keep me moving forward. What keeps me motivated is knowing that my biggest problem is vocabulary. The more vocabulary you know the more rewarding Japanese is. Despite all the grammar rules Japanese sentences seem to be often reduced to a single word…げんき? たべる? So I am using Textfugu as a foundation school not necessarily as a one stop shop for Japanese.



    I’ve passed N5, though TextFugu hasn’t been my sole source of learning. Hesitating a little on N4 because I barely scraped through on the listening component last year, and I haven’t really improved a great deal in that regard…



    “I remember Koichi saying he’s already in intermediate.”

    Could someone explain to me what this means? XD is it in reference to Koichi’s fluency, TextFugu’s highest level at the moment, or what?




    I meant TextFugu’s highest level. :)



    Oh! Yes, I would have to agree it goes into intermediate. I think you would mostly need to learn more vocab to pass those higher N thingies? XD Never taken one…



    “Not Very.”



    This person is bang on the money when they say “Textfugu thinks long-term and teaches you nearly the entire language (and more with constant updates) so be prepared to spend at least 5-10 years on Textfugu…”

    But seriously…
    I’m not sure exactly what’s needed to pass JLPT, but TextFugu is probably closest to N5 right now. It doesn’t have any real listening practice (that I know of), and not much is covered in the lessons. Plus, the way it does kanji is different to what’s in each JLPT level, he does them in a completely different order. Really, it’s a “gateway drug” more than anything: it gets you started down the Nihongo path, but you quickly move away from it and on to the harder stuff. Don’t regret getting a subscription – it’s great for the very basics, but you’ll find yourself wanting more soon enough. There *is* a bunch more new content than when I first started a couple of years ago (almost 2 years exactly :D), so TextFugu will last you longer than it did me, but it won’t take you the whole way.

    I *am* still on the forum after all this time, but that’s different…

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