Home Forums The Japanese Language How long had you been learning Japanese when you passed JLPT N5/N4/N3/N2/N1?

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    How many hours had you spent on Japanese learning at that time?What’s your suggestions for an n00b?Thanks!

    Love and Learning


    I studied Japanese at uni – we had five class hours a week, and I was (in theory) meant to be doing another five hours of self-study at home, but I never measured how much I was actually doing. I passed N5 after the first year, and N3 after the third, though some of my fellow students were doing N2 at the same time.


    Thanks, Joel!

    Love and Learning


    No problem. Just to add one more thing, though: I think my main reason for taking N3 over N2 is my concerns over my listening ability. If I didn’t suck so much at listening, I might have gone for N2 as well.

    If you want to give things a try and see if you’re capable, they have practice questions on the JLPT webiste at http://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/forlearners.html

    Various other companies also publish unofficial study guides and practice questions, including ones that you start using at the start of the year to help you prepare for the exam at the end. You may have to look into getting those online, but if there’s a Kinokuniya anywhere near you (http://www.kinokuniya.com/), then they have a good range of Japanese books. I’m fortunate to live quite near one myself. =)


    Ok.I just started learning Japanese.I have a long way to go!

    Kinokuniya seem to be a nice bookstore.But they don’t have a store in China.More importantly, I usually buy books via Amazon.xD.

    Love and Learning
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