Home Forums TextFugu How Many Lessons A Day?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Alejandro 9 years, 6 months ago.

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    So I have a simple question:

    How many lessons/chapters should I go through in a day?



    The biggest thing to remember is that TextFugu is all self paced. You get to choose how much or how little you want to go through. I recommend just moving through the material as you feel most comfortable. If you have a brain like a sponge, read it as fast as you can absorb it. If you have a brain like a rock (like me), just make sure to move slowly through the material and do everything as slow as you need.

    Personally, I will sit down and read through 1 or 2 chapters and then review that material for a while, then come back and do the same thing again. This includes working on the Anki decks, worksheets, etc. But that is just how I am choosing to work through this.



    Really just depends. I’ve been going through a chapter or two a week. As well as using WaniKani. Really just depends what works for you.

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