Home Forums TextFugu How to turn Kanji into hiragana?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Phillip 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #37519

    Eric Bates


    Please excuse me if this has already been posted, I looked quickly for a search feature to the textfugu forums and didn’t find one so I hope this isn’t a repost!

    I’ve been writing on lang-8 and frequently I’ll get corrections but written in kanji, and I don’t know how to pronounce them or what the words are. Is there a way to see the kanji written in hiragana besides putting each of them into google search individually?

    I’m working on my kanji so I’m starting to get the common ones, but I feel like I’m only getting half the benefit of writing on Lang-8: forming sentences is great and stretches my brain to recall words and to think in japanese and I usually learn something new while I’m researching how to say something, but without understanding the feedback I’m just going to keep making similar mistakes…

    Thanks in advance for the help,




    If you use Google Chrome, add the extension “rikaikun” from the Chrome web store.

    If you use Firefox, download “rikaichan” from the Mozilla add on store.

    When turned on, hover the mouse over any Kanji and a box will pop up giving the reading and meaning of the Kanji.



    Otherwise, using denshi jisho is probably a better idea than Google search. http://jisho.org/



    Rikaikun for Google Chrome, or Rikaichan for Firefox.

    These are the best!  I promise!



    I love http://jisho.org/. I’ve been using it a lot recently. Jim Breen’s http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/cgi-bin/wwwjdic.cgi?1C is also good but I prefer Denshi Jisho.


    Eric Bates

    Thanks everyone! Very helpful!




    Well you might want to try Furigana Injector. Instead of telling you the meaning, it will put the furigana right above the kanji. You can also choose to exclude some kanji I believe. :) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/furigana-injector/cbahnmcliajmanjkaolemjelphicnein?hl=en

    Edit: oops, it does tell you the meaning! My bad! But it won’t unless you scroll over it. The furigana will always be there.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 2 months ago by  Phillip.
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