Home Forums Off Topic How would I write my username in Katakana? >.>

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Dormoxx 13 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hey guys!

    I was just wondering how I would go about writing my username in Katakana (haven’t learned it yet; I’m on the numbers chapter of season 2). I changed my Windows display language (as well as my iPad and iPod Touch’s language as well) to Japanese to try to really immerse myself in the language. I want to change my login name to be my username in Katakana, but I’m not quite sure which kana to use.

    All help is appreciated,

    (PS: I tried just typing in the sounds I though that would make it up and got this: ドルマクツ [Dorumakutsu]. Would that be right? Thanks again. >.<)



    The xx is the x in fox, right? The Japanese use kusu for that sound. There are a couple of ways to spell it.


    I’d personally go with ドーマクス since ドルマクス can be interpreted as dolmoxx


    If you’re going to change your computer display language, start learning katakana. A lot of computer-related terms are English loan words, so being able to read katakana will surely help you navigate a little better :) I learned them straight after hiragana, well before I got to the specific lesson.



    @Mousefire: Thanks for the help, I really appreciated it! ^_^

    @Mister: Yeah, I’m at the last chapter (before the review) of Season Two; So I’ll definitely be starting katakana soon.(:

    The Kanji part of it is going to make it a pain in the butt when I want to change something system-wise, hehe.

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