Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Howdy And Hello!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Codeacula 13 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hey, everyone!

    My name is Jack, and I found my way here from a review on Amazon on a book a friend of mine recommended. After speaking with Koichi a bit, I decided to sign on up.

    My goal right now is to begin learning enough Japanese so that I can go visit and only feel extremely out of place. I want to visit someplace totally unlike any other place I’ve been (US and parts of Europe), and I’ve always had a fascination with Japanese culture and history.

    This place is a wasteland :(


    Welcome aboard to Textfugu! I hope you can achieve your goal while enriching your life in the process. =)



    Thanks you! I’m looking forward to being a bother.

    This place is a wasteland :(


    Hi Jack, welcome to TextFugu! Out of curiosity, which book lead you to TextFugu?

    Anyway, good luck learning Japanese!



    Hashi: The review for the paperback version of Nakama, I believe. Recommended by a linguist friend!

    This place is a wasteland :(
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