“Allow me to introduce myself.” )Some may remember which cartoon character said that.) I’m John from the Columbus area of central Ohio, and am 59 years of age.
Why am I learning Japanese? Let’s see…
A little over a year ago I started karate and iaido lessons. The iaido class has vocabulary to learn (it’s all in romaji :-/ ) so I thought it would be nice to learn how many of the terms are really pronounced, spelled and used (e.g., the second kata, “ushiro” (うしろ)).
And then, one of the guys I work with use to be a big anime viewer, and I hadn’t seen any in ages, thinking it’s just for kids, to which he explained differently and then I found out differently… so it would be nice to know what is being said instead of having to depend on the sub-titles (i don’t care for dubs).
And, it’s about time to learn something new to keep excersizing my brain and mind. I learned Russian way back in grade school (still know the alphabet so I can sound out the words even if I don’t know them).
Why “howdy” instead of “hello”? I grew up in the western part of the US, my job brought me to Ohio.