Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Howdy!… From France though, not Texas

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    Oh, hi there!

    I’m SirOrange, as they call me in the fruit realm, but I’m also called Philippe (that’s a weird name). I’m 22, I’m a publisher and I live in Paris. I’ve started learning Japanese through the Tofugu guide of hiragana, then read the first season of TextFugu, then progressed to almost the end of Level 2 on WaniKani and then… decided to be a member of TextFugu and resume my learning!

    About the reasons I’ve started to learn Japanese, well… it’s a little bit ambitious, but one day I wish I’ll be able to read some of Bashō’s and Shiki’s (I know, weird) haiku as well as texts about Shintō and yōkai since many aspects of the Japanese mysticism and spirituality are close to my own sensibility. So, I want to learn Japanese because of… poetry. Whether it be actual verse or life mysteries.

    Also, anime!

    I’m a little scared because I know that a TON of work is ahead of me, especially with a goal like mine. But I’m filled with determination! And I’m really impressed by how many people are on this website! That’s pretty neat!

    Here I go on this crazy adventure! :)




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