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This topic contains 12 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Drawing Daggers 12 years, 11 months ago.
March 27, 2012 at 2:01 pm #28610
I’m moving to Japan in less than two years and not to teach english, but to open a second restaurant with my partner and continue my art on the side. Who knows, we may decide to never come back. Mayhaps we will become naturalized citizens (future tripping). Either way, I need to learn japanese. So, I have some short-term goals which I would like to reach by the time we move. Then long term goals I’ll continue to work towards as we live in Japan.
Short term goals:
To be able to communicate and read on a very basic level for day to day needs e.g. grocery shopping, riding the bus, renting an apartment, obtaining a cell phone, going to the doctor…
Long term goals:
To be able to change our menu or website as needed without the assistance of a translator
To be able to understand and fill out paper work that will need to be completed for our business regarding permits or whatever else the local government is requesting of us.
To at least pass the JLPT level N2 (maybe someday, level N1)
Anywho, here I go…
This topic was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by
Drawing Daggers.
This topic was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by
Drawing Daggers.
March 27, 2012 at 2:36 pm #28613Hi there, welcome to TextFugu! By “city of rain,” do you mean somewhere in the Pacific Northwest? TextFugu’s based outta PDX! And do you have any of your artwork online? I’d love to see some.
In any case, good luck learning Japanese!
March 27, 2012 at 2:57 pm #28622Yup, PNW indeed. Seattle. I love Portland, great food town. I drink Stumptown (Hair Bender) every morning and loves me some Dead Moon.
Currently, no artwork online other than what Ive photographed with my phone and tossed in the mix of Instagram posts. Other than that, a scattering of commercial work I have done for local businesses and non-profits around Seattle. I pulled my site around a month ago and I am in the works of building a new one.
Thank you for the luck, I’ll take it!
March 27, 2012 at 10:03 pm #28638Hello! Welcome to the forums. :) I think you have some great goals and wish you much success!
Hubby and I are moving to Seattle (from Arizona) in June. We are super excited!
Good luck and have fun!
~CassandraMarch 28, 2012 at 2:39 am #28644Welcome to TF :)
March 28, 2012 at 8:56 am #28652@winterpromise31 Cool. Welcome to Seattle! Arizona to Seattle, wow what a change. Seattle in the summer is wonderful. Many people choose to move here at that time. Just prepare yourself for the other nine months of darkness and rain. Umbrellas, semi-waterproof shoes, sun lamps and vitamin D. For being so small it feels fairly metropolitan. It’s my hometown and I luvs it. I live in a fun and busy neighborhood called Capitol Hill. I seem to remember reading at one point that it is/was the most densely populated area in the state. Not sure…
If you like pizza, check out this tiny pizzeria located in the Madison Park neighborhood, The Independent Pizzeria. (wink)
@kanjiman8 Thank you very much.
March 28, 2012 at 11:51 am #28656You can’t really call anywhere “The City of Rain” if it’s not located in Scotland ;)
March 28, 2012 at 8:17 pm #28666Thanks for the recommendation on the pizza. I’m noting down the restaurant name! My husband LOVES pizza. We were in Seattle in October and visited Nova Pizza. It was really good.
Can’t wait to join you for the rain! lol. I have been in Arizona for 14 years and I’m rain deprived. I really can’t wait to see the other end of the spectrum. Thanks for the warning on people moving there at the same time. Probably means we’ll have competition on apartment hunting. Ah, well. We just figured out in the budget when we would have enough money to move and it happened to be end of June. Can’t wait!
Thanks for letting me blab on about moving. ;) I’m really excited. Again, welcome to the forums!
March 29, 2012 at 3:49 am #28673Seattle is a great city! I love visiting my brother there a couple times a year.
All I can say about your goals is….geez! That’s the way to do it! My boyfriend admires your goal to open a restaurant in Japan and we hope to visit it when it opens.
I’m not sure how into cooking Japanese food you are but I suggest watching “Cooking with Dog” on youtube. We use those recipes and videos almost daily.March 29, 2012 at 4:38 am #28674@ Drawing Daggers
Your welcome. Good luck with your studies and future goals.
March 31, 2012 at 6:16 pm #28771yo i live in hokkaido, im from seattle, actually tacoma, is where i was born. im 29, been learning japanese for awhile, etc, ive learned alot, I think you will learn the ost by making a trip here first, via helpx.net or woofing japan, which both do require membership fees, but, you schedule say a one month stay with a family, and they teach you japanese for free, prety good deal ay? anywayz, ive learned the most about japan, by living with my family, learning hiragana and katakana, takes awhile but that’s the easy part, listening to japanese audio tapes, and practicing rosetta stone, is a great start, but you have to hear and learn how japanese people really talk, which is always different from what we are studying. Firstly I reccommend learning word lists, words only, say 100 word list, then 200, 500, then 1000, somewhere in between there, get some kanji card sets, and vocab card sets, so you can study while waiting for…. something, use your spare time to read/learn japanese. you have to make some real japanese friends in seattle, who actually speak full japanese, get to know them and theyre familys, learn to sing a japanese song, and learn what the words mean. do japanese karaoke, try to immerse yourself in all japanese, lastly think in japanese. i like this site to test my vocab n such http://www.manythings.org/japanese/jlpt/ hey lets be friends on FB ill try to help you, or just be your friend – masonice@gmail.com
April 5, 2012 at 8:22 am #28920Wow. Thanks, Shelly, Brad, and Chado.
This forum is so friendly.
April 5, 2012 at 8:29 am #28922Oh, and my name is Tora.
This topic was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by
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