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    Marvin Gaye

    My name is Marvin and I’m really excited I found an great place to study from and meet other people kinda like Smartfm but feel a bit better.I’ve been learning the language on and off for sometime now(more than 3 years I think)but only only feel comfortable with my Hiragana because my on and off status.

    I’m learning japanese so I can gain a career and better education in animation in japan as well as korean(different language I know)but at the same time I enjoy the way they sound and would like to speak and write the language comfortably as well as explore the area of Japan.

    IF there’s something that I hope I can help you guys with I’m all for it and I hope you all might be able to give me a hand if I might run into a snag


    Hi Marvin,

    Welcome to Textfugu! I’ve had an a bit of an on-off relationship with Japanese but have finally settled into a steady rhythm with this site… hope you do too.

    So, are you learning Japanese AND Korean at the moment? You must be busy! Good motivation though. I’m still a beginner but if I can do anything to help, I will try ;)

    Take it easy,
    Emma ^_^



    Welcome to TextFugu, Marvin.

    Let’s hope that this time you’ll be motivated enough to continue!

    I want to become fluent in Korean as well as Japanese but I’m only concentrating on Japanese at the moment as I find it hard to struggle learning 2 languages at the same time.
    I’m learning German and French in School at the moment (3 years of compulsory learning of those languages) but luckily this is my final year as I start my GCSEs next year. (I spoke and wrote Japanese (in romaji) once during a French lesson instead of French haha! I finally realized and it took me AGES (and my friends help) to remember the French I was supposed to write.)

    Good luck learning Japanese!

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 8 months ago by  Kaona.

    @Winter – I get that too… it’s like my brain only operates in ‘English’ mode or ‘Non-English’ mode. I work in a Spanish restaurant and sometimes when it is very busy and someone talks to me in Spanish, I end up replying in Japanese (much to everyone’s amusement)It only happens when my minds preoccupied :-Z I don’t know how anyone copes learning multiple languages at one time… any tips, either of you?



    I cram then forget, since I actually don’t care about either language.

    I can only remember very few words but weirdly, whenever I see a German or French sentence I can sometimes read it and/or understand at least what they are basically trying to say.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 8 months ago by  Kaona.

    Marvin Gaye

    @ Wanderer-Thanks!I’ve actually decided not to learn korean yet (doesnt work for me) so I’ll just do a little bit of research to break me in.I believe I’ll be sticking to this for a while.

    @Winter-I felt the same way in 1999 when I was learning spanish in school until our teacher brought a japanese speaker to our spanish class(which I thought was weird) and as soon as I heard her speak I was hooked.Ever since then I’ve been just looking here an there for info about culture an language,you know just picking things up as I go.I am a bit more serious now than I ever was in learning this language so I know I’m going to get it down somewhere along the line.



    Good luck, Marvin!



    Dude, you’re one of my favorite soul musicians of all time! :p

    Welcome to the site!



    Hey Marvin,

    Welcome! So you’re interested in animation? That’s cool. Are you wanting to attend school in Japan or find an animation career there?

    Good luck with your studies!

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