Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) How's it going everybody! (from MTL)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Ivan Escalante 11 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hello guys,

    My name’s Ivan and I’ve recently bought Textfugu for life :) I know that I will not regret this decision because I’ve learnt so much in the first chapter…hell it felt like I was getting quick to this but this is thanks to none other than our common Sensei :D

    Anyway, enough of the digression….. I’ve been a fan of animes for a long time and it all started with Dragonball and since then I’ve progressed to new genres of animes, and for a bit I was reading mangas but I got lazy because of the wait that is needed to translate to english therefore I was stuck with subbed animes but this past year, I’ve been enjoying more the animes and I felt that I wanted to learn the Japanese language for the following reasons:
    1- To enjoy reading and watching mangas/ animes
    2- To travel one day to Japan to either visit or even work there for a bit…just to get a sense of how different my culture is to the Japanese culture…….in other words to appreciate what I have and don’t have
    3- Learn a fourth language :D

    Also, I should mention that I have been very fond of the Japanese martial arts and given the opportunity again, I would like to go train in Japan but first…..I need to choose one ( I used to do Karate and also Aikido but that has been a long time ago….)

    I think this should be enough…..ah… and I’m from Montreal, Canada but my parents are from El Salvador :) I hope to learn more and share more with you textfuguers, and for sure I will post my questions during my progressive learning of the japanese language.

    Arigatou Gozaimasu mina!

    Ivan Escalante


    Gustav Dahl


    I also started on TextFugu recently (I’m at season 3 now). However, it sounds like it is not going to be updated (that much), so after season 8 there isn’t that much left to do. That’s why I only bought a monthly subscription, since I think I’ll be able to go through everything within a year or less. Then there’s WaniKani for kanji, which I am currently trying for free :)

    Cool, I myself am practicing karate in the style of Wado-Ryu (have the orange belt). Aikido sounds interesting as well, I want to try it some day. Even though it is some time since you did it, which one did you like most, and why? :)



    Hi Ivan! Welcome! Four languages, huh? Wow! What are your others?

    Good luck with your studies!



    Take a look at budo(budou) taijutsu. There are principles shared with numerous fighting disciplines (aikido, judo, karate, kendo, and my favourite; taihoujutsu), but there are no rules as it’s a self defence/combat art. We have a fantastic club here in the south west of England.

    Oh, and our grandmaster dyes his hair purple

    (for protection against STD’s apparently).



    I also started on TextFugu recently (I’m at season 3 now). However, it sounds like it is not going to be updated (that much), so after season 8 there isn’t that much left to do. That’s why I only bought a monthly subscription, since I think I’ll be able to go through everything within a year or less. Then there’s WaniKani for kanji, which I am currently trying for free :)

    Cool, I myself am practicing karate in the style of Wado-Ryu (have the orange belt). Aikido sounds interesting as well, I want to try it some day. Even though it is some time since you did it, which one did you like most, and why? :)

    Sorry for the long hiatus guys lol I was kinda busy with work and personal life but I have been going at it with Textfugu and I’m halfway through season 2 (slow but steady :)). I guess buying for the lifetime membership was worth it.

    Coming back to which martial art I liked more, I could that both had their pros and cons but I think that Aikido was the one I liked most when comparing both because it has an aspect of peacefulness and its spiritual content is quite interesting (being one with the universe); the art itself is hard to grasp but anything with practice is achievable. I liked Karate because of the competitive aspect but I did not get far into it (I was going to get my orange belt at around 8 years old or around that ball park lol)


    Hi Ivan! Welcome! Four languages, huh? Wow! What are your others?

    Good luck with your studies!<br>

    Thank you :3

    The three other languages are well..English (Ha!), French and Spanish. I believe that these three languages are very similar between them thus they were not hard to learn but Japanese, to me, is on a different level because there cannot be any connection between the roots of those languages (Japanese vs european). But I will sure enjoy having the basics of it.


    Take a look at budo(budou) taijutsu. There are principles shared with numerous fighting disciplines (aikido, judo, karate, kendo, and my favourite; taihoujutsu), but there are no rules as it’s a self defence/combat art. We have a fantastic club here in the south west of England.

    Oh, and our grandmaster dyes his hair purple<br>
    (for protection against STD’s apparently).

    Oooo… it’s the first time I heard about budo taijutsu and the fact that it shares principles with other martial arts is quite appealing. I should check around here in Montreal if there are any clubs or associations teaching that art.

    Ha! your grandmaster looks quite the lively fellow :); I’m sure he makes it fun to learn with his unique personality.

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