Home Forums Off Topic I do wonder if this place is dead?

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Wes 8 years, 10 months ago.

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    As I mostly only use this site(textfugu) for the things my textbook just fails to tell me. And stuff that my textbook explains but fails to explain it with any sense. Going on the forums is one of the most least important things for me.

    But reading through some of the posts it seems like it was and is still in a decaying decline. Which is a sad sight to see actually as language is a beautiful thing to learn. As generally we are blocked off from parts of the world due to not everyone speaking a single understandable language.


    Just a side thing. I noticed about this months ago: http://www.textfugu.com/bb/topic/we-have-a-textfugu-teamspeak-server-btw/

    Do you guy still need a TS server? I can host you one if need be or you can use my current one.



    Think we’re not so much dead as… in hibernation. =)



    @Joel Hibernation? When is waking time?



    When Spring comes. =)


    Ryan Dean

    When the EtoEto site launches, I’m sure the forums will be bustling again ^^



    Joel is the only person on the forums. Joel is the forums.



    I joined TextFugu in 2011. It was fun for a while but it died a long time ago. I rarely visit and when I do it is so disappointing. EtoEto? Yeah, right. I’m not going to hold my breath,

    How can I get my Lifetime Member money back? I’m 60, so I don’t think I’ll live long enough for TextFugu to live up to the initial promises. :(




    E-mail Koichi? hello@textfugu.com supposedly gets the fastest response, but you might try koichi@textfugu.com too



    I feel the same, Textfugu was expensive, It was fun at the beginning, very promising, it felt like magic, it showed me Lang8 which is a good website, but at the same time Textfugu doesn’t have any updates at all, so it feels like the admin doesn’t care about his website or his learning method. Instead, he’s developing other web platforms to take more money out of its users.
    I guess the SRS system is not for me, I couldn’t stand it anymore after reaching the end of Season 5, so I gave up on textfugu and now I’m back at the traditional way of learning a language (writing a lot, reading more sentences, doing many more exercises).
    It was nice If I could get my money back but I doubt that it would happen.

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