Home Forums The Japanese Language I don't understand why the Japanese do this with Kanji

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  eru777 11 years, 4 months ago.

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    I saw in a blog somewhere the word 廻り [めぐり・まわり」
    All I ask, is that why would someone use the kanji 廻り when they could have easily used 巡り or 回り?
    Why would someone go the extra 5 seconds and make the effort to type this character instead of the more common ones? This kanji (廻) didn’t yield one common word on jisho.

    Do people get a kick out of inserting more uncommon kanji in their writing? Is this what intellectuals do there? I really cannot understand.

    Hey! Lip them? Lip them? What?

    In some cases the word has a completely different meaning depending on the kanji, in other cases it’s just a little nuance. I can’t really think of a word where the choice of kanji doesn’t influence the meaning at all.
    An example of a word that changes meaning depending on the kanji could be つとめる

    In the case of the word you are using here as an example you can find a pretty good explanation here

    But as the last post says



    I would prefer to have seen it in hiragana as you say, but the thing is that it was in Kanji. Anyway thanks for the answer I’ll look more into it later.

    Hey! Lip them? Lip them? What?
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