Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) I finally Started!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Hashi 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hello everybody! my name is Cameron Olson and I had only really heard of text fugu earlier this summer but it sounds like it is the perfect way for me to take my first steps towards fluency. Iinitally just wanted to know Japanese so I could read my manga and play my games in their original language but, After my first year of college, I have discovered my love of of game design and many of my favorite childhood games are from japan and I am now interested in studying Japanese methods of game design. I want to travel there see what philosiphies of gamedesignexist intheirgame companies.Maybe Ishould have asked foranewsapcebarformy birthdayaswell.



    Yeah I was about to mention the space bar but you beat me to it. :P

    Welcome to TextFugu, Cameron!

    Well done for finally starting. Please try your best and don’t give up! The community is always here to help.

    Good luck learning Japanese.




    Welcome to TextFugu, Cameron!

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