Hello everyone!
I’ve been reading up around textfugu.com and thought it’s about time I made my first post here, so here I am!
The reason why I am learning Japanese is a bit different, or so I’d like to think. Without getting to far into it I could sum it up as wanting to be able to tap into the Japanese culture both here in Canada and when I travel to Japan (a plan in the works), network more efficiently with fewer barriers, and being able to watch programming without suffering the ‘lost in translation’ that comes with subtitles.
Ok, that’s my reasoning but here is the real reason… because I want to. It’s something I want so it is something I will do, because I have to. I need to be able to communicate, to experience, to understand.
I have looked into various other programs for learning Japanese including Rosetta Stone. The problem (for me anyway) was that I fell into the game with Rosetta Stone and nothing else seemed to really ‘click’ with me. Thankfully I have found TextFugu! What you see in the free section is such a small sampling of what you get here. The time spent putting this all together and the time devoted by the TextFugu team is simply amazing. Thank you for putting together this resource and sharing your love of Japanese. I for one really appreciate it!
This seems like a great community and I hope one day I can become an asset to it in what ever way I can. For now let me thank everyone in advance for all the help I’m sure to need!