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  • #47409

    Grant Poston

    The dream took place at my fathers old home, a fairly old two story house with a large front and back yard, nestled in the pretty landscape of Vermont (mainly thanks to the Gold course preventing further development).

    Anyhow, in my particular dream it happened to be my father’s birthday.On this day we did various things that I won’t mention, since most of them confuse the hell out of me, and would take too much time to talk about them all. It seemed like a lot of people had showed up for said party. Some I knew, many others I did not. While in the kitchen fetching some manner of food or drink that this dream had provided me, I met up with my long time buddy Professor Snape. Of course, nothing at this point seemed to surprise me, and at this point Professor Snape was no different than any of the other previous events that had occurred. He was dressed in something like this -(http://content.artofmanliness.com/uploads//2014/07/suit.jpg)-. We both came in to get food, and while we both were accomplishing this, we spoke to each-other. Now, I don’t typically speak in my dreams, and I sure as hell don’t do it in Japanese. Well this time was different, we both spoke Japanese (basic as it were) to each other. More or less just talking about the various food options we had available in the kitchen. Much of the dream was a blur, but I do remember this part pretty distinctively.

    Anyhow, I spoke Japanese in my Dream, even though I’m still super novice! :>



    Yes it’s pretty awesome isn’t it. I’ve had a couple of those dreams too. Not dreams about your fathers old home or Professor Snape, but dreams about speaking to someone in Japanese.

    There’s actually a topic about Japanese dreams here on TF. Here it is.

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