Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) I Have The Power – An Introduction

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Eihiko 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #44907


    “. . .are you sure you are ready for this, Hyo?”

    “Ready? I was born ready. Let whatever doubts you have be cast away, Emmy. The time has come.”

    “Is that so? Need I remind you of the time you tried learning Fren. . .OH MY GOD YOU PRESSED THE BUTTON!”

    “Yes. It has begun. I am now of the Gakusei no Nihongo.”

    “Woah. Do you feel any different?”

    “Power. . .”

    “Um, what was that?”


    Hey there, it’s nice to meet you! My name is Tom, but you may know me as Hyozan. :)

    I’m just a 19 year-old British guy who has come to fall in love with everything Japanese. I love its culture, its people, its history, its little quirks, and, evidently, I’ve learned to love the language. My (not-so-secret) dream is to one day visit Japan and behold her mysteries for myself.

    As of writing this, I am a student currently studying for University. I enjoy reading and playing video-games for the most part, although I can also write a good poem. I guess you could say that poetry is kinda my secret skill, a skill which (surprise surprise) has been heavily influenced by the Japanese style. I’m also a bit of an Anime fan, albeit a reserved one. Ah, the finer things in life.

    When it comes to the Japanese language, I’m still a veritable novice, although with TextFugu as my Sensei I have no doubts that I will be able to advance swiftly. I’ve mastered Hiragana (I hope!) and look forward to learning more!

    Well, that’s me in a nutshell. Let’s get to learning some Japanese, eh? :D

    ~ 氷山 ~

    ~ 漫然氷山の物語 ~


    Welcome to TextFugu!

    “Don’t welcome him, he’s obviously mad!”

    “Don’t say that, it’s not polite.”

    “It’s not like he can hear me or anything, I am in your head after all.”

    “Yeah, but I’m actually typing this out.”

    “Ah crap… Yes, well… Welcome to TextFugu! Yeah that’s the ticket!”

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:


    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):


    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:


    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:





    The power is strong with this one. He will have a home here.

    Welcome c:

    Not from the desk of Eihiko. Eihiko's boss took his desk away from him.
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