Home Forums The Japanese Language I need help pronouncing Number kanji+person kanji

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    John Schmitz

    From the practice in Lesson 2 Past Tense Nouns 七人 is pronounced like “Stini” or something. I though it was “nanari” for 七人.

    So in general how are 一,二,七,九 plus 人 pronounced?



    一人 ひとり hitori
    二人 ふたり futari
    三人 さんにん sannin
    四人 よにん yonin
    五人 ごにん gonin
    六人 ろくにん rokunin
    七人 ななにん・しちにん nananin or shichinin
    八人 はちにん hachinin
    九人 きゅうにん kyuunin
    十人 じゅうにん juunin

    The り (ri) ending is just for 一人 and 二人, the rest are quite predictable by the usual にん (nin) ending. You might notice that it’s よにん and not よんにん, that happens often with other counters, too.


    John Schmitz

    Thank you very much! The り confused me with the first two.



    Hahaha… Koichi!!!


    @Tsetycoon13: See if he doesn’t address this in the next update… ¬_¬


    John Schmitz

    Now I know what you both are talking about. Sorry I didn’t see the other posts. I figured this wasn’t that common… Hopefully Koichi will address this problem.



    out of curiosity, has anyone emailed koichi about this? I thought about it.. but then I didn’t. lol..


    @zeldaskitten: “I thought about it.. but then I didn’t.” – Oh snap. I care enough to moan about it constantly, but I just never get around to doing anything about it XD

    @John Schmitz: Don’t worry, it’s a perfectly reasonable question, you weren’t to know how common it’s been. The forum hasn’t had a search feature for 2 years since it was set up (think the old one before that might have, though), and now that one’s finally been added, it doesn’t even work XD



    It’s always had a search function – it’s just been very well hidden, and more so with every update, to the point where on the second-to-last update, it became so well-hidden that I never managed to find it…


    @Joel: If the search function you’re thinking of is the one I am too, it never seemed to work properly for me. If I remember right, the list of threads it showed was not an exhaustive list at all.



    Always seemed fine to me. Still, even if it didn’t work properly, at least it worked. =P


    does 一人 and 二人 reading have anything to do with the use of these 2 words? like maybe “alone”?
    jisho.org has example sentences. 二人は結婚した – They got married. Although google gives 独り for alone with the ひとり reading. Japanese are all over the place with their words :D



    一人 can mean both “one person” and “alone” depending on the context. 二人 can mean “two people”, “the two of you/them” et cetera.

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