Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Ideas for vocab cramming?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Luke 13 years, 4 months ago.

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    So does anybody have any interesting methods they use for learning long lists of vocab? I’m currently on いAdjectives, but I’d love to see some tips from people for future use. I’m almost done with this list!


    Currently on the same as well, and I usually just go through 6 words. Learn 2 of them, and then go through the deck untill I know all of the words. take 10 min break come back, and continue with that untill I am done.
    When done I reinstall the deck, and see if I can remember all the words :)
    Usually I can’t but that is why I have reviews :D



    Usually, I went through one group of vocab words. Using the pdf list and a sheet of paper to cover the answers, I tested myself both ways until I got it all right. Then I added it to anki and began studying. I finished Ultimate adjectives in 2 or 3 days like this, so maybe it’ll work for you? =D



    When you say cramming, I thought you mean like studying a night before a test because thats what cramming it. Basically, learn 20 new words a day and review everyday. None of this 10 words a day nonsense. This is also where Anki comes in.




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