Home Forums Off Topic If there was one thing that you could change about yourself, what would it be?

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    One of my Japanese exchange friends is representing the school’s TSA (Taiwanese Student Association – she’s also chinese and speaks chinese fluently) in the Miss Asia pageant. Other Japanese friends and I asked her some questions that judges would normally ask candidates. I didn’t know what they normally say but at least I know that they ask questions similar to what job interviewers ask.

    After lots of thought, I remembered a question from a pageant that was asked to a promising Miss Philippines.

    “If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?”

    This question cost a candidate her spot as Miss Philippines…or was it Miss Universe and a Filipina was running for it when she replied “Nope, nothing :D” Anyway, I thought this was an interesting question and thought I would ask all you people here. I have no interest in answering it myself as I am more interested in seeing various replies that people may have here.



    Does this have to be a today, right now thing?
    If not: ever having acne.
    If yes: longer hair.



    Besides superficial emo things: procrastination



    @larisajane : if you had to choose between ANY-freaking-thing, it would be having longer hair? really? that’s kind of surprising!!!!

    Anyway, I guess I’d go with something like : do not worry about what people might think.


    Nice question :)

    I would like if I didn’t have the need for sleeping 7h each day. Sleeping 4h each day would be awesome!


    Confidence around girls… BAAAAAAAAWWW!!! Forever alone!! XD

    Maybe stop being so skinny as well, but I’m working on that atm anyway ;)

    @Larisajane: Well, having longer hair is simple; you ACTUALLY don’t have to do anything! :P



    I’d want to stop procrastinating so much.

    I wish I was better at motivating myself. Feeling so lethargic lately.. I have no energy to put into anything; all I want to do is sleep. I don’t know if it’s a physical or mental thing… probably both. :\

    I wish I could focus on one task at a time. For example, at this very moment, I’m in the middle of doing anki and yet here I am posting about what I wish I could change. OH THE IRONY.

    I’m a walking contradiction.



    @Reiden: It’s the only thing completely out of my control that I want. And it’s taking for-freaking-ever. (TT_TT)
    @MisterM2402: Well, I still have to wash it and stuff… If it gets damaged I’ll have get the ends cut and end up going nowhere :PPPPP

    Other than that I love absolutely every other aspect of my self (♥ w ♥)



    Hard to choose just one, because honestly, I’d like to be a different person altogether.

    But I guess I’d be happier if I could sing.



    I wish I was Japanese. Nah, I’m just joking.

    I wish I had more hair too.



    wish i knew what i want to do as a career
    would make college so much better. x_x

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