Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) I'm finally back!

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    Hi all. Nobody knows me here, I guess. But I used to use Textfugu back in 2011-2012. According to google, the last time I visited was 2013 TT_TT
    I’ve had a tug and pull relationship with learning Japanese. I’m 20, and have been trying to learn since I was 13. I got essentially nowhere, without even a basic knowledge. So, I turned to Textfugu, but now that I look back on it, I wasn’t super serious about the whole learning thing. When I was 18, I got a private tutor, and spent all my part-time paychecks solely on his lessons, which in 6 months got me nowhere. He insisted on spending 2 months learning Kana, which I insisted I already knew but he dragged me into relearning it and for some reason, it took 2 months. It dragged on for nothing, and when we moved onto the actual textbook I thought: Finally! I’m going to learn something new and learn how to speak Japanese! and another 4 months later…I couldn’t read properly (Due to my tutor chiding me every time I looked at the book. Apparently you’re supposed to be able to read foreign sentences without looking at what you just read…I have a super short memory, so I’m not even able to do this with English books, textbooks, articles or anything else, for that matter.), I was never able to make my own original sentence, either. When kids at school found out I was learning Japanese, they were all asking me to say things, none of which I could say except: “Hi, my name is Kait.” Which I really didn’t count since I knew how to say that since I started watching anime as a child. Eventually, I lost my job, couldn’t afford the lessons and had to stop them.
    I want to learn Japanese *so* bad. It’s been like a lifelong yearning, and after I lost my tutor, I stopped listening to Japanese music, stopped watching Anime, and got pretty disgruntled.
    And I’m not sure what changed, but I’ve been studying Italian for a while now, and I’m not even conversational, but I can at least make paragraph-long posts on Lang-8 with minimal errors. (It takes about 20 minutes, though) And I was able to do this after day 3. So now I know I’m able to diligently study a new language, and keep at it, since I did it with Italian. I think I wasn’t serious enough about learning Japanese back then….I’m just hoping I’ll be able to say a complete sentence after 6 months this time. Even “I like dogs” (I can say this in Korean, but not Japanese)…And I didn’t use Textfugu to any great extent in 2012, so I’m not sure how far it will take me, or what to expect.
    This has gotten long, and I doubt anyone will read it, so I’ll stop here.
    I’m glad to be back ^_^

    P.S. For anyone who did read this far: I heard getting to Season 8 doesn’t even take you past the basics, which I’m assuming is true since I saw Season 8 teaches time…Will completing all 8 Seasons at least make me conversational?



    Welcome back!

    That sounds like a pretty terrible tutor. Kana does NOT take two months to learn.

    And yeah, you should be able to hold a conversation after finishing TextFugu, though you’ll need to practice your speaking and listening on your own.

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