Home Forums The Japanese Language I'm hot, it's cool, and the weather is cold?

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    Marie Seaman

    I know in Japanese there are ways to say it’s hot for objects you touch,熱い、and cold weather is 寒い、 and I know there are others. My problem is that I can’t find anywhere that clearly distinguishes the difference between cold/cool/warm/hot and a person/weather/object. Could someone please set me straight as to what is what?



    Hah. What makes matters even worse is that 熱い – for hot objects – and 暑い – for hot weather – are both pronounced あつい.

    涼しい (すずしい) means “pleasantly cool”, and I’m pretty sure it can be used for either weather or objects. 暖かい and 温かい are both pronounced “あたたかい” and both mean “pleasantly warm” – the former is used for the weather, while the latter is objects. 今日の天気は暖かいですけど、私は温かいマフラーをしています.

    寒い (さむい) is used for cold weather, 冷たい (つめたい) for cold objects.



    dont forget 厚い!



    Very helpful missing…..

    Warm Words
    温い(ぬるい) lukewarm (I’ve only ever seen used with liquids)
    暖かい(あたたかい) warm (weather/space)
    温かい(あたたかい) warm (to the touch/objects)
    暑い(あつい)hot (weather/space)
    熱い(あつい)hot (to the touch/objects)
    温めた(あたためた)heated up (in the microwave etc) (objects)
    涼しくなくなった(すずしくなくなった)warmed (from cool) cola left in the sun etc …similar to 温い

    Cool Words
    冷えている(ひえている)chilled/refrigerated (objects)
    冷めていた(さめていた)cooled off (from a high temp) (objects)
    寒い(さむい) cold (weather/space)
    冷たい(つめたい) cold (to the touch/objects)
    涼しい(すずしい)refreshing/cool (anything)
    さわやか(な)about the same as 涼しい

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