Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) I'm learning because

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Tuttie 12 years, 11 months ago.

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    I’m 26 latina with a 3 and a 1 yr old. I’ve always wanted to learn languages but couldn’t afford to, didn’t know how and didn’t have the time. I will be homeschooling my toddler next week and I now have the time and I am grateful I came across this resource.

    SO my reason is I want to spend time studying in Japan with my family and without the need of translators. Japanese will be the second language my toddler will learn but it will be the first I’ll be learning so I’ll be ready to teach it to him. :)

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by  Tuttie.


    Hi Tuttie, welcome to TextFugu. That’s great that you’ll be teaching your toddler too, that might be the youngest TextFugu student ever, haha. What got you interested in Japan in the first place?



    Hi Hashi!

    Thank you for the welcome. I was first interested in Japan and China when I was a kid and I would read books about them, the writing characters fascinated me. Another was Jackie Chan great adventures cartoon series and Pokemon cemented my interest as a kid and now that I’m an adult I discovered sushi so I keep circling but never land. Now that I’m homeschooling I want to teach my son a language and then spend sometime in language immersion. Just saw your post on WWOOF and that is what I plan to do with my son. Maybe not THIS particular venue since he is a child after all but something similar.

    Right now he was demanding sushi (but he is allergic to fish) so I made him a cucumber roll instead. Figured I would reel him in with food to spark interest, move on to some cartoons and then the formal stuff. Funny thing I found Tofugu last night while I was researching “best time to buy rosetta stone” lol. I bought a heavily discounted Arabic and Spanish language homeschool editions from Rosetta stone and was planning my lesson plans as I wait for the shipment to arrive.

    I was researching when I should try again for the Rosetta stone Japanese version and start saving up for it. I wont be buying it but since Japanese is a desire of mine I decided that I would take textfugu for a spin.

    In 2009 I tried learning Japanese using MITs open classes but it was too hard http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/foreign-languages-and-literatures/)

    So I’m using my children as reasons to learn languages and that way I can justify the expense as well as making my commitment that much stronger. After all its for the kids.

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