Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) I'm Taking the Plunge!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  amalgam 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi! I’m almalgam.  I’m so glad that I just randomly decided to check out the site today. I totally forgot about the New Year’s half off sale. From my quick look around the forums, I’m in the same boat as quite a few fellow members. I can read hiragana and katakana without too much trouble (just don’t ask me to tell you what I just read) and I can pick out words from time to time when listening to Japanese.

    I’m hoping that this program will really help me get a grasp on the language. I have manga and other popular media and it would be nice to be able to read it and not have to search for translations. I also want to visit Japan for my 30th birthday (The Studio Ghibli Museum is calling out to me…) so it would be nice to go there and handle myself without the help of a guide. But! One day at a time.:-) Let’s help and encourage each other!



    almalgam – welcome! Japan by 30 is a good goal. May I ask how long that leaves you to study? I just turned 30. :)  Good luck!



    I don’t have too long. I’ll be 28 in a few months. I know I won’t be fluent in two years, but if I study hard, I hope to be able to hold my own.

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