Home Forums TextFugu Importing Decks to Anki 2

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Yvonne 12 years, 4 months ago.

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    I was waiting for the new AnkiMobile App to be released before upgrading to upgrade to Anki 2.0, and it’s here! So upgrade time!

    But I’ve run into a bit of trouble importing decks from Anki 1 to Anki 2. I tried reading through the changelog for a solution but I just can’t seem to figure it out, so I would appreciate if someone could let me know if I’m doing something wrong!

    My TextFugu Anki deck consists of all the decks that I’ve downloaded from the various chapters, but it seems I’m unable to import decks that consist of multiple whatever.anki files? The other decks (the ones that had all the cards in an individual file) that I had transferred over to the new Collection quite smoothly. But every time I go in and try to add something like “Kanji Vocab #-#.anki” to my TextFugu deck, it just creates a new one…




    Yea, Anki 2 works that way. You *can* technically add the new cards to the old deck by clicking browse and “Change Deck”, but it is much easier (and even useful some times) to just drag and drop the newly imported deck on top of the old deck. That way the new deck will be considered a “sub-deck” of the old one, and when you study the original deck all sub-decks will be studied as well, but you can also choose to only study the sub-decks. I hope it makes sense :)



    Thanks for the info! It does make sense now, I guess I just had to play with it for a few days too. I’m quite liking all the new features actually, and the sub-decks feature is quite handy now that I got the hang of it. :)

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