Home Forums TextFugu Individual groups in the ultimate verb dech

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Cimmik 11 years, 2 months ago.

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    In one of the chapters Koichi tells one to study group 1 from the Ultimate Verbs List. But how do I study the group 1 cards only. The ultimate verb deck isn’t like the general kanji- and vocab-decks where it’s possible to import just those you are told to study. Is it possible to easily suspend those cards that isn’t group 1, so I later easily can “unsuspend” the group 2 verbs and so on?



    You can set the new cards per day for the Ultimate deck to 0, and then do a custom study with “Study by card or by tag” -> “new cards only” -> “Require one or more of these tags” -> Group01

    After you’re done with that custom deck, the cards won’t be marked as new anymore and treated like any card in a normal deck.



    You can set the new cards per day for the Ultimate deck to 0, and then do a custom study with “Study by card or by tag” -> “new cards only” -> “Require one or more of these tags” -> Group01

    After you’re done with that custom deck, the cards won’t be marked as new anymore and treated like any card in a normal deck.

    Okay I did as you said.
    It gives me exactly 100 cards to study. I’m wondering why because since there are 9 vocabs in group one and 9 cards for each vocab, it should just be 81. So I don’t think I’ve filtered all the other cards away by this method.

    EDIT: Forget it. My fault. I marked the cards that should be omitted instead of those that should be added.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by  Cimmik.
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